My school website,, is going through some much-needed changes! Look for some new content soon!
I have been having some female health problems which have kept my attention away from the school. I will be laid up for a few days starting next week but plan to add blog entries anyway. We'll see how THAT goes! I am sure I'll be fine by the end of next week!
Today I had a meeting with my website manager, adviser and all-around great friend to brainstorm some cool ideas for the site! Look for:
*More streamlined fee schedule
*A sample education plan for a college-bound high school student
*Step-by-step "how to" moving parents from the inquiry stage towards how to enroll
*Video of my "high school to college" presentation
If anyone has any questions please feel free to e-mail, call or post a response here! You can find my e-mail and school phone number on my main web page!
Preferred Learning Academy
I welcome your questions!
Letter to a Parent
1 day ago
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