As an advisor for Dual Enrollment, I saw a lot of students and parents in my office, or talked to them on the phone. At any given time we had about 1600 Dual Enrollment Students and I had a good relationship with quite a few! There were two things that shocked me. Number one, many of the parents and students in the public schools did not know anything about the Bright Futures Scholarship. That is going to be the subject for another post and is also Florida specific. The other thing that was shocking to me was that the students and parents did not KNOW the college courses that could be earned with the AP courses. Read my AP or not to AP post for examples.
I have had a lot of activity on my AP or Not to AP blog. I decided to look up more information that could help parents regarding the AP situation. It looks as though there is a proposal to allow 3 more credits of English for a score of 3 on an AP English Literature test if the student already has the ENC1101 credit. That would be great! If you read my AP blog post, you will see that a student who already has ENC1101 through the AP English Language test, receiving a 3 on the AP exam, will only receive the SAME Enc1101 course if he received a 3 on the test for AP English Literature. Here is the new proposal,which is not set in stone yet. Most parents are NOT told about this little snag with AP. Please read the AP or Not to AP blog post for further information.
Lets look at a few more AP course equivalencies. Do the State Universities offer any of these?
AP Computer Science A: Course equivalent - CGS1075 or CGS2075 (same course, the first digit does not matter. Can be a 1 or a 2)
UCF, UF, Valencia CC, USF, FSU ALL do NOT offer this course! I looked on their courses for Fall 2009! Your child can receive the credit from his college only if the college offers the course!
Lets look at another example:
Here's a popular one around the Orlando area. AP Human Geography: Course equivalent - GEO2400 : GEO1400 or GEO1420 : GEO2420 (Again, the 1 or 2 as the first digit does not matter)
USF, Not offered
UF, has GEO2420
FSU, Not offered
Valencia CC, Not offered
UCF, Not offered
With the AP Human Geography course, if your student plans on attending UF, he can receive the college credit for that test. If he chooses to go to FSU, USF or UCF, he will NOT receive the credit.
Let's do one more:
AP Psychology: Course equivalent PSY1012 or PSY2012
This is the main psychology course in the state university system! ALL state schools offer this course!
You can see that not all AP classes are going to help your student providing he passes the AP test with a 3 or better.
I will be out of the loop for a few days with a minor surgery. If you have any questions please feel free to e-mail, post a comment on this blog, or call me. My number can be found on the Preferred Learning Academy website. I should be able to get back to you by Friday at the latest!
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