I can tell it is "Back to School" season. How? Well, from all of the ads in the paper! Is it me, or are the retailers sounding desperate? "Please, PLEASE buy your back to school stuff here!!" Can't blame them, frankly. One part of homeschooling that my daughter didn't like was the LACK of back to school purchases. After a year or so we usually went to Office Depot or one of those large office supply stores this time of year and bought pens, pencils and some art supplies every year. She liked that!
Want to know a secret? Homeschooling can be practically FREE! That's right, FREE! Of course there are some things like pens, pencils and paper. Really, other than that, you can get away with a library card! You can use fancy math manipulatives but you can also raid your kids toy box and pull out the Legos. REAL books from the library are way more interesting than heavy, and expensive, textbooks that may or may not be accurate. An internet connection would be helpful as well, of course! The only textbooks that would be really worth buying would be math books. May not be totally necessary, until high school, but would be a good investment.
With homeschooling you can give your child a custom education, no cookie cutters here, and it can cost you very little! Throw in a good umbrella school advisor, and you can save a bunch on college costs as well. A homeschool private school is a good investment as long as you get good advising. Paying for a very inexpensive school, then getting nothing but a diploma, is a bad investment. Paying a little more for a good private school with good advising can be a GREAT investment. Take a look at this former post about designing a college plan. You will see how much money can be saved with a good plan and advising with someone who KNOWS the college system!
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