The Florida homeschool convention is at the end of the month and I would really like to attend except that MOST of the vendors and lectures are all about being Christian. Now, the FPEA is NOT a Christian group (supposedly) but it sure seems like it. When I started going to the conventions twelve years ago they had some really great keynote speakers like Micki and David Colfax the authors of Homeschooling for Excellence. They were amazing! Religion was not mentioned since it is irrelevant to the subject. Now, I cannot find a secular vendor or speaker.
OK not until THIS year. One of my son's economics instructors is also a very active Libertarian and he is going to speak there this year. He is a Christian but he is SO worth listening to! NOW I want to go since he is really good! Jack Chambless is an instructor at Valencia Community College where I used to work as the dual enrollment advisor. My son took his Microeconomics class quite a few years ago and DID NOT PASS, but the man totally changed his life! Jack Chambless is the reason my son has a degree in economics and the reason he is very politically active. Awesome guy! (My daughter says he has the whitest teeth she has ever seen. LOL)
So now I am trying to decide if I will attend the convention. I like it, and I like some of the vendors a lot. I am not happy about the Christian-only theme they usually have that makes others uncomfortable. But Jack Chambless would be worth it.
I am not anti any religion and my school does not discriminate based on religion either but I hate to see this huge, supposedly inclusive, group move to only one religion or to any specific world view. We are all homeschoolers and we can be religious or not, we can have any type of religious views or no religion at all, but we are all trying to educate our children the best way we know how. We should work together to that end.
It's a big deal.
6 days ago
I agree, which is why I quit the FPEA after the 1st year and I no longer attend the convention. It's too bad that they don't seem to see it fit to represent all homeschoolers in fact instead of pretending to be neutral. I'm enjoying your blog and have referred people to it, including my oldest son who is actually attending public school. Your advice on dual enrollment is very valuable no matter how our children are schooled.
ReplyDeleteI am blushing! Thank you for your kind words! Maybe the FPEA will change their outlook if others complained as well. I just stopped attending, years ago, without letting anyone know why. Knowing why some people stop attending may benefit them. Who know, though, they may not care since their way is the only way.