Does your college bound child have to take the SAT? Good question with no easy right or wrong answer. Generally, yes, he would have to take the SAT or ACT test. Universities expect them and base admission decisions on these test scores. However, your student can get an AA (2-year) degree from a community college and then transfer to the university without having to take the SAT or ACT. This is for Florida since I don't know what the rules are in other states. A student with a 2-year degree from a state community college MUST be accepted into a state university. Of course it MAY NOT be the one your child wants to attend. Be aware.
Before your child enters the community college through dual enrollment or after graduating from high school she will need to take the CPT test for placement into math and English courses. This tests college readiness in English and math and is required if there are no other test scores. So a test must be taken but the CPT is not for admission, it is for placement.
Many colleges do not allow a student to dual enroll without reaching college level on the CPT test so please ask about the testing requirement.
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