The last post had a high school schedule for an 11th grade student who was going to full-time dual enroll at the local community college. This next schedule would be for the student who did not want to dual enroll full-time or in the case of a Valencia Community College student, who did not pass one of the segments of the CPT.
This is for an 11th grade student who has passed the English CPT scores but not the Math. (Both of my kids did not pass the math portion the first time around)
English - ENC1101 - Freshman Composition I - Fall semester
ENC1102 - Freshman Composition II - Spring semester
Math - Algebra or Geometry - Florida Virtual School (I recommend boning up on the basic Algebra I course through the Virtual School then retake the CPT, SAT or ACT)
Science - BSC1005C - This is a biology with lab for non-majors - Fall semester
AST1000, BSC1050 or ESC1000 - Science with no lab
Social Studies - POS2041 - Fall semester
PSY1012 - Spring semester
This would give the student 9 or 10 college credits per semester and allow her to study for the CPT math. Again, this 11th grade student will be finished with the English requirement for high school and have 1 1/2 credits of science, the half credit of American government and then the half credit of elective with the psychology.
If Your Child KNOWS What he Wants!
If your student KNOWS he wants to be a doctor, then you need an advisor to get the best selection of courses from the community college and dual enrollment! For example, he would need:
BSC1010C - Biology I
BSC1011C - Biology II
CHM1045C - General Chem with Qualatative Analysis I
CHM1046C - General Chem with Qualatative Analysis II
PHY1048C - General Physics with Calculus I
MAC2311 - Calculus with Analytical Geometry I
MAC2312 - Calculus with Analytical Geometry II
STA2033 - Statistical Methods
Plenty of courses! However, he can get his AA degree in General Studies and still get in all of these courses, plus everything else required for the AA! That's what MY job is! As your high school advisor I can also advise about college and the optimal use of Dual Enrollment!
All the lifestuff, all at once...
2 days ago
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